
Live a good, long life

Obesity Patients


“Living with obesity is a battle of wills with my body; I’m worried about my health and the stigma that comes with it. I want to feel better and live my life fully.”

What would John’s* life be like without the daily struggle with obesity? Halia is focused on making the answer to that question a reality.

Cancer Patients

Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis

“Living with chronic pain is like carrying an invisible weight that never lifts; it’s a constant battle that affects every aspect of my life, leaving me worried about my future and the strain it puts on my loved ones.”

How would Evelyn’s* life be different without Chronic Pain? Halia is focused on making the answer to that question a reality.

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

“Completing the simplest tasks often eludes me. I write notes to remind myself what to do. I don’t want to fade away slowly. I feel like I’m slowly losing pieces of myself, and I’m scared that I won’t recognize my own family one day.”

What if David* never had to worry about struggling with Alzheimer’s Disease? Halia is focused on making the answer to that question a reality.

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s Disease

“I worry my grandkids are afraid of me when I shake and have difficulty speaking. I know they don’t understand what is wrong with me, but I want them to know how much I love and hope for them. Every day feels like a battle against my own body; the tremors and stiffness remind me constantly that I’m losing control over my life.”

What if Alan’s* hopes could be realized and he could live a life free of the impact of Parkinson’s Disease? Halia is focused on making the answer to that question a reality.

Cancer Patients


“When I was diagnosed with cancer, the bottom fell out of my life, and I felt like I was in a terrifying free fall without a parachute. I have so many questions that can’t be answered entirely.

Cancer has turned my world upside down; every day feels like a battle between hope and despair, but I’m determined to keep fighting.”

How would Sophia’s* life be different without the daily challenge and uncertainty of cancer? Halia is focused on making the answer to that question a reality.

*Names and likenesses are changed to protect patient privacy.